N E Parker & Co |
Patent and Trade Mark Services |
Intl. Phone: +44 (0) 1922 722243 |
Mobile: 07944 936592 |
Intl. Fax: +44 (0) 1922 722484 |
NIGEL PARKER EPA, CPA, Mitma, ETMA, CPhys, MInstP, BSc. Hons (Physics)
European and Chartered Patent Attorney
European and Registered Trade Mark Attorney |
Patents - Trade Marks - Copyright - Registered Designs
Assignments - Licensing |
Contacts and Associates |
N E Parker & Co have many contacts both at home and abroad who are on hand to deal in all aspects of intellectual property both speedily and efficiently. Our Associates are available in most countries of the world in order to assist in the filing of foreign Patents, Trade Marks and Registered Designs and offering expertise in any matters of foreign infringements of intellectual property rights. Thus, N E Parker & Co is able to operate on a multinational level also offering additional services such as patent and Trade Mark searches and translations. Additionally, N E Parker & Co have close contacts with firms of Solicitors offering specialist litigation skills and with Queens Counsel.
frogpatent is a Trade Mark of N E Parker & Co.
Copyright 2006 NE Parker & Co.© |
Do you have an invention, Trade Mark / name / logo, or design that requires legal protection to prevent copying? Contact us !! |
N E Parker & Co
The Annex, Tameway Tower
Bridge Street
WS1 1QD England |