N E Parker & Co |
Patent and Trade Mark Services |
Intl. Phone: +44 (0) 1922 722243 |
Mobile: 07944 936592 |
Intl. Fax: +44 (0) 1922 722484 |
NIGEL PARKER EPA, CPA, Mitma, ETMA, CPhys, MInstP, BSc. Hons (Physics)
European and Chartered Patent Attorney
European and Registered Trade Mark Attorney |
Patents - Trade Marks - Copyright - Registered Designs
Assignments - Licensing |
Intellectual Property |
Intellectual Property is a generic term covering Patents for inventions,Trade Marks, Registered Designs, Unregistered Design Right, Copyright and Licensing and Assignments of those rights. Intellectual Property is also sometimes referred to as Industrial Property. Suitably qualified professionals who are concerned with the legal protection of, enforcement of, or transactions in such Intellectual Property are Chartered and/or European Patent and/or Trade Mark Attorneys or Agents.
Do you have an invention, Trade Mark / name / logo, or design that requires legal protection to prevent copying? Contact us !! |
N E Parker & Co
The Annex, Tameway Tower
Bridge Street
WS1 1QD England |