N E Parker & Co |
Patent and Trade Mark Services |
Intl. Phone: +44 (0) 1922 722243 |
Mobile: 07944 936592 |
Intl. Fax: +44 (0) 1922 722484 |
NIGEL PARKER EPA, CPA, Mitma, ETMA, CPhys, MInstP, BSc. Hons (Physics)
European and Chartered Patent Attorney
European and Registered Trade Mark Attorney |
Patents - Trade Marks - Copyright - Registered Designs
Assignments - Licensing |
Copyright |
Copyright is an automatic right which exists on the creation of a copyright work which may be of an artistic or literary nature. Articles which are of a purely literary or artistic character are not registrable under the Registered Designs Act but may enjoy Copyright. There is no copyright in a mere idea and there would be no infringement of copyright if a particular work had been created without any knowledge of the previous work. The term of copyright in a copyright work may last for a period of 70 years from the year in which the author died. A capital letter C in a circle is used to denote that a work is protected by copyright and this is often accompanied by the date of the copyright work.
Do you have an invention, Trade Mark / name / logo, or design that requires legal protection to prevent copying? Contact us !! |
N E Parker & Co
The Annex, Tameway Tower
Bridge Street
WS1 1QD England |